Friday, October 9, 2015

October 9, 2015

Dear Parents,
We are already preparing for our trip to the Franklin Park Zoo on Wednesday, October 28.  We have already started learning about animals and will learn more about mammals next week.  The children have begun an individual innovation entitled, Mom and I Went to the Zoo, which they will bring home to read in a couple of weeks.  
Please send in the money for our field trips and let me know if you are interested in chaperoning for the Zoo. We are all excited about our upcoming field trip!
Students made crocodile and monkey puppets this week to use as props when we sing our zoo song.  They are all so unique, because they draw and cut the parts of the puppet themselves.
The children continue to write in their journals and to illustrate poetry.  We have been introducing various poems and chants, which help the children to hear rhymes.  
We have been sending home papers for them to practice writing numerals.  This is homework that they have to return the next day.  We ask that they use a pencil to write the numerals using the Fundations pencil grip (pinch the pencil close to the tip with thumb and pointer finger and use the rest of the fingers to rest on the table).  All numbers and letters should be written from top to bottom.  
We have been doing a lot with comparing and ordering numbers in math.  Students have shown a lot of improvement with writing their numbers.  I will be introducing students to a website that I like to use frequently, mostly with math, although it includes many subject areas.  Please feel free to check it out ahead of time:  Click on “math games” and then under the heading “early math” click on the games “Count and Order,” “Order Numbers 1-10,” and “Count to 10.”  These games help reinforce some of the concepts we are practicing in math.  They are simple but the students typically enjoy them.  There are many other games and activities on that website that your child would probably enjoy at home.  I will use some of them throughout the year.
Don’t forget that there is no school on Monday due to Columbus Day weekend.  Enjoy the extra day!
Kerry Marsh and Emma Noce

Thank you for practicing at home with your child how to put on his/her jacket. It has started to make the transition to recess go quicker! Keep up that good practice!! :)

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