Friday, October 30, 2015

October 30, 2015

October 30, 2015

This has been a very fun week here in room 115!  We had a wonderful day at the Zoo on Wednesday and want to thank Mrs. Corbett, Mrs. Shaikh, and Mrs. Tsipourakis for coming with us!  We also enjoyed our Halloween Parade today.  It was fun to watch everyone get dressed up. The kids sure are excited for tomorrow! We went to the computer lab for the first time this week! We were able to learn how to use the mouse and hope to go back soon!

We will start learning about the Wampanoags and Pilgrims next week.  I hope the students will be able to comprehend a little about how different it was to live 400 years ago.  The students will be making their Wampanoag costumes and will start to weave placemats soon.  We will be focusing on families and homes during the next couple of weeks.  They will make family collages, which will include everyone who lives in their homes and they will create a class book with their houses and addresses.  It would be great if you could work with your child on memorizing his/her street address.
The students have been working hard in math. We are still working on writing our numbers, one to one correspondence and different math language (i.e. which is more or fewer, etc.).
We still need brown grocery bags for our Thanksgiving projects.  If you could ask for some at the grocery store the next time you go, that would be helpful.  Thank you!

Please keep practicing putting on jackets and other winter items at home as the days get cooler! It saves us a lot of time getting ready for recess and dismissal!

We are missing a few class books that have not returned back. Please check your houses and send them back if you have one!

Don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour for Daylight Savings this weekend!

Have a great weekend and Happy Halloween!!

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