October 16, 2015
Dear Parents,
It's hard to believe October is more than half way over already! We have been doing a lot to prepare for our field trip to the zoo on Wednesday, October 28th and we have even started some Halloween projects. If you haven’t sent in the money to cover the cost of the field trip, please send it in early next week.
The children have spent time working on their individual innovations of Mom and I went to the Zoo. They are working very hard on their illustrations, which are looking more and more like the animals they want them to be. They love all the new animal and Halloween songs, chants, and poems we are doing.
We have started our third topic/unit in math. Our focus has been on numbers six to ten. The students have been making a lot of progress writing their numerals. I will continue sending homework home next week so they can continue practicing them.
The students have also made costumes for the bears they painted and cut out. They were quite creative as they made their bears into superheroes, princesses, and many other Halloween characters. Check out the pictures posted to the blog!
We will need a lot of large brown paper bags for our Thanksgiving unit. If you could ask for some at the grocery store or send in any you may have at home, it would be greatly appreciated.
We went to our school library on Wednesday. Please have your child return his/her library book as soon as he/she is done with it to make sure they can sign another one out. Also, please make sure you read and return our class books as soon as possible too.
Please keep practicing shoe tying and coat zipping at home. It will save a considerable amount of time in the classroom…especially getting ready for recess! Thanks!
Have a great weekend!
Kerry Marsh and Emma Noce
PS… The Kindergarten will be having a Halloween Parade on Friday, October 30th at 9:00am. Students are welcome to bring a costume to change into for the parade if they wish to participate. Please let me know ahead of time if you do not want your child to participate. Parents are invited to watch the parade. You can stand in the lobby as we parade by! It’s a lot of fun!
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