Friday, October 23, 2015

October 23, 2015

Dear Parents,

I hope you are enjoying all the beautiful autumn changes that are happening outside and the cooler weather too!  It is an exciting time of the year for the children and it is a busy time in the classroom. We have been busy this week working together to decorate our door for a school wide door decorating contest. It was great to see everyone working together to create our door.
We are looking forward to our trip to the Franklin Park Zoo on Wednesday.  A reminder went home on today but students will need a disposable bagged lunch and snack as well as a drink…and warm clothes too!  Chaperones should be here by 8:30am so we can leave by 8:45am.  We are hoping for a beautiful day.
As you can see from the work coming home, the children are continuing to make books.  We have finished the Mom and I Went to the Zoo innovation and will start reading them to each other.  I would encourage the children to reread them as much as possible.  It’s also good to have them point to the words while they read them.  We also made a class book based on Mrs. Wishy-Washy. The children continue to write in their journals, illustrate poetry, and work with beginning sounds and rhyming.
Next week we will begin learning about Thanksgiving, the Native Americans, and Pilgrims.  We will start the unit by reading a book by Kate Waters entitled, "Tapenaum, the Story of an Indian Boy".  This book has accurate information and photos taken from the Wampanoag village at Plimouth Plantation.  It is a book that depicts the lives of the Pilgrims and the Wampanoags in the 1620's.  We try to emphasize how different their lives were from ours, but that family was then, and is now, very important.  Hopefully they will come away from this unit with a tiny bit of understanding and thankfulness for all we have today.
We will also be making costumes and artifacts that would be used by the people of the day.  This is in preparation to wear to our feast the week of Thanksgiving. Students will dress up as either Native Americans or Pilgrims and we will eat our snacks from home together with the other Kindergarten students in the cafeteria.
We will need large brown paper bags to make our Wampanoag costumes.  If you have any extras or can ask for some at a grocery store, we would really appreciate it.  Thanks!
Have a great weekend!
Kerry Marsh

Also… don’t forget that the Halloween Parade is on Friday.  You are welcome to stand outside the office in the lobby area at 9:00am to watch us parade by!  Children are invited to bring their costumes in a labeled bag to change into.  They will be changing out of them after the parade.  If you do not want your child to participate, please let me know as soon as possible.

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