Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Wish list items:

We are in need of a few things for our classroom projects!

We would love some:

-Big and small paper plates.
-Large brown paper bags with and without handles
-Plastic shopping bags (big and small)

Thank you so much! Happy holidays!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Nutcracker characters

Students worked hard together to complete their Nutcracker characters which have been displayed in our classroom and in the hallway.  They came out awesome!!!

Friday December 18

It's hard to believe our holiday break begins on Wednesday next week!  We have had a very exciting month of school and have learned so much.  The children have done amazingly well with all the excitement and changes in our schedule.  
One of the highlights for this week was our Nutcracker Field Trip!  It is always fun watching the children get excited when they hear the familiar songs and see their Nutcracker characters on stage!  We want to thank Mrs. Corbet for chaperoning our field trip.  We had a wonderful time!  
We are very excited for our own Nutcracker performance that will be on Tuesday and hope that you will all be able to make it at 8:45am to watch us!  The students have been working very hard and are excited to be able to perform the Russian Peppermint dance for you!  If possible, please have your child wear red tops and black bottoms on Monday for the performance.  Thanks!
We have almost finished our first unit in Fundations and are looking forward to working with uppercase letters in January.  We have been busy with work in Kindergarten that will head home soon!
We will be sending a bag full of art projects home on Wednesday with your child.  We apologize in advance for all the glitter that you will be finding all over your house now!  We hope the students will take great pride showing you all their special Nutcracker, Gingerbread, and Christmas projects.  We are very proud of all they have accomplished so far this year!

A Reminder:  School will be back in session on Monday, January 4th.

We could also use some large brown paper bags with handles.  Thanks!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Friday, December 11

We have been busy getting ready for our Nutcracker Performance on Tuesday, December 22nd!   The students did a great job and are very excited for the actual performance.  We hope you can make it at 8:45am on the 22nd to enjoy all the hard work that has gone into it!  If possible, please have your child wear black bottoms and red tops on the day of the performance.  

We are also really looking forward to going to the Nutcracker Ballet on Friday.  Please be sure to have your child eat a nice, big breakfast that morning because we will not be eating snack or lunch during normal school hours.  If your child attends the After School Program, please send a lunch for him/her to eat there.  More information about the trip will be going home this week.  

The students have been busy writing in their journals, completing their “Good Night” books, making Nutcracker projects, and practicing the letters and sounds we’ve been learning in Fundations.  

This certainly is a busy and exciting time of the year.  The children have been doing a wonderful job concentrating on their work and learning new things.  

Friday, December 4, 2015

December 4, 2015

We have been making our life-size Nutcracker characters that will soon be beautifully displayed on our classroom walls and in the hallway.  I trace each student as a Nutcracker character and then students work together with other students in their group to decorate them.  We have been very impressed with the students’ cooperation and hard work.  We also kept busy this week working on our innovations, writing in our journals, learning poetry, decorating our gingerbread boys and girls, and reading stories.  The students have been doing a great job working hard and focusing, even during this busy and exciting time of the year!

Our very own version of the Nutcracker Ballet will be on Monday, December 22nd at 8:45am.  You won’t want to miss it!  We will be practicing the dances for the Nutcracker and will be focusing on our Russian Peppermint dance for the performance a lot next week.  If possible, we would like the children to wear red tops and black bottoms on the day of the performance but any combination of red and black would be fine.

There are quite a few class books that the children have created together that have not returned back from homes yet. Please send them back in with your child as soon as you read them so someone else can take them home.