Friday, October 30, 2015

Handprint giraffes!!
A few highlights...!

October 30, 2015

October 30, 2015

This has been a very fun week here in room 115!  We had a wonderful day at the Zoo on Wednesday and want to thank Mrs. Corbett, Mrs. Shaikh, and Mrs. Tsipourakis for coming with us!  We also enjoyed our Halloween Parade today.  It was fun to watch everyone get dressed up. The kids sure are excited for tomorrow! We went to the computer lab for the first time this week! We were able to learn how to use the mouse and hope to go back soon!

We will start learning about the Wampanoags and Pilgrims next week.  I hope the students will be able to comprehend a little about how different it was to live 400 years ago.  The students will be making their Wampanoag costumes and will start to weave placemats soon.  We will be focusing on families and homes during the next couple of weeks.  They will make family collages, which will include everyone who lives in their homes and they will create a class book with their houses and addresses.  It would be great if you could work with your child on memorizing his/her street address.
The students have been working hard in math. We are still working on writing our numbers, one to one correspondence and different math language (i.e. which is more or fewer, etc.).
We still need brown grocery bags for our Thanksgiving projects.  If you could ask for some at the grocery store the next time you go, that would be helpful.  Thank you!

Please keep practicing putting on jackets and other winter items at home as the days get cooler! It saves us a lot of time getting ready for recess and dismissal!

We are missing a few class books that have not returned back. Please check your houses and send them back if you have one!

Don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour for Daylight Savings this weekend!

Have a great weekend and Happy Halloween!!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

We had a great time at the zoo!

Here are a few highlights! It was a little chilly but we had a great day! 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Our classroom door for the school wide door decorating contest! 

Friday, October 23, 2015

A few more things...

Scholastic book orders will be due Monday! 

If you have any toilet paper tubes you can send in for an art project we'd greatly appreciate it!
October 23, 2015

Dear Parents,

I hope you are enjoying all the beautiful autumn changes that are happening outside and the cooler weather too!  It is an exciting time of the year for the children and it is a busy time in the classroom. We have been busy this week working together to decorate our door for a school wide door decorating contest. It was great to see everyone working together to create our door.
We are looking forward to our trip to the Franklin Park Zoo on Wednesday.  A reminder went home on today but students will need a disposable bagged lunch and snack as well as a drink…and warm clothes too!  Chaperones should be here by 8:30am so we can leave by 8:45am.  We are hoping for a beautiful day.
As you can see from the work coming home, the children are continuing to make books.  We have finished the Mom and I Went to the Zoo innovation and will start reading them to each other.  I would encourage the children to reread them as much as possible.  It’s also good to have them point to the words while they read them.  We also made a class book based on Mrs. Wishy-Washy. The children continue to write in their journals, illustrate poetry, and work with beginning sounds and rhyming.
Next week we will begin learning about Thanksgiving, the Native Americans, and Pilgrims.  We will start the unit by reading a book by Kate Waters entitled, "Tapenaum, the Story of an Indian Boy".  This book has accurate information and photos taken from the Wampanoag village at Plimouth Plantation.  It is a book that depicts the lives of the Pilgrims and the Wampanoags in the 1620's.  We try to emphasize how different their lives were from ours, but that family was then, and is now, very important.  Hopefully they will come away from this unit with a tiny bit of understanding and thankfulness for all we have today.
We will also be making costumes and artifacts that would be used by the people of the day.  This is in preparation to wear to our feast the week of Thanksgiving. Students will dress up as either Native Americans or Pilgrims and we will eat our snacks from home together with the other Kindergarten students in the cafeteria.
We will need large brown paper bags to make our Wampanoag costumes.  If you have any extras or can ask for some at a grocery store, we would really appreciate it.  Thanks!
Have a great weekend!
Kerry Marsh

Also… don’t forget that the Halloween Parade is on Friday.  You are welcome to stand outside the office in the lobby area at 9:00am to watch us parade by!  Children are invited to bring their costumes in a labeled bag to change into.  They will be changing out of them after the parade.  If you do not want your child to participate, please let me know as soon as possible.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Francis Wyman Halloween Party

Ticket Reminder: Francis Wyman Halloween Party
Friday, October 30th from 6-8PM

The deadline to purchase tickets for the Francis Wyman Halloween Party is tomorrow,October 23rd. Don't miss out on this fun event! Payment can be made by cash or check made out to Francis Wyman PTO and sent in to school in an envelope labeled "Halloween Party."

Halloween Party tickets are being sent home on a weekly basis. They will be in a white envelope with the student's last name and homeroom number on it. If you send in your order form by the deadline and do not receive your tickets by Tuesday, October 27th, please send an email to


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Science Night at Francis Wyman- TOMORROW NIGHT
Wednesday, October 21st from 6-8PM
Francis Wyman families are welcome to join the Francis Wyman PTO and Burlington Science Center for an out of this world school community event! Activities include a nocturnal animal show, StarLab tours, straw rocket making, mysterious Oobleck, and much more! Don't miss this fun family event! Event is FREE for kids and adults. Children must be accompanied by an adult. 
Check out this video for more info:

Monday, October 19, 2015

Fall artwork

We have been very busy here in room 115! Here is some of our fall artwork! 

Friday, October 16, 2015


October 16, 2015

Dear Parents,
It's hard to believe October is more than half way over already!  We have been doing a lot to prepare for our field trip to the zoo on Wednesday, October 28th and we have even started some Halloween projects. If you haven’t sent in the money to cover the cost of the field trip, please send it in early next week.
The children have spent time working on their individual innovations of Mom and I went to the Zoo.  They are working very hard on their illustrations, which are looking more and more like the animals they want them to be.  They love all the new animal and Halloween songs, chants, and poems we are doing.  
We have started our third topic/unit in math.  Our focus has been on numbers six to ten.  The students have been making a lot of progress writing their numerals.  I will continue sending homework home next week so they can continue practicing them.
The students have also made costumes for the bears they painted and cut out.  They were quite creative as they made their bears into superheroes, princesses, and many other Halloween characters.  Check out the pictures posted to the blog!
We will need a lot of large brown paper bags for our Thanksgiving unit.  If you could ask for some at the grocery store or send in any you may have at home, it would be greatly appreciated.
We went to our school library on Wednesday.  Please have your child return his/her library book as soon as he/she is done with it to make sure they can sign another one out.  Also, please make sure you read and return our class books as soon as possible too.
Please keep practicing shoe tying and coat zipping at home.  It will save a considerable amount of time in the classroom…especially getting ready for recess!  Thanks!
Have a great weekend!
Kerry Marsh and Emma Noce

PS… The Kindergarten will be having a Halloween Parade on Friday, October 30th at 9:00am.  Students are welcome to bring a costume to change into for the parade if they wish to participate.  Please let me know ahead of time if you do not want your child to participate.  Parents are invited to watch the parade.  You can stand in the lobby as we parade by!  It’s a lot of fun!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

We met with our fourth grade buddies again today! We drew different zoo animals with our buddies' help to make our very own zoo! 

Friday, October 9, 2015

October 9, 2015

Dear Parents,
We are already preparing for our trip to the Franklin Park Zoo on Wednesday, October 28.  We have already started learning about animals and will learn more about mammals next week.  The children have begun an individual innovation entitled, Mom and I Went to the Zoo, which they will bring home to read in a couple of weeks.  
Please send in the money for our field trips and let me know if you are interested in chaperoning for the Zoo. We are all excited about our upcoming field trip!
Students made crocodile and monkey puppets this week to use as props when we sing our zoo song.  They are all so unique, because they draw and cut the parts of the puppet themselves.
The children continue to write in their journals and to illustrate poetry.  We have been introducing various poems and chants, which help the children to hear rhymes.  
We have been sending home papers for them to practice writing numerals.  This is homework that they have to return the next day.  We ask that they use a pencil to write the numerals using the Fundations pencil grip (pinch the pencil close to the tip with thumb and pointer finger and use the rest of the fingers to rest on the table).  All numbers and letters should be written from top to bottom.  
We have been doing a lot with comparing and ordering numbers in math.  Students have shown a lot of improvement with writing their numbers.  I will be introducing students to a website that I like to use frequently, mostly with math, although it includes many subject areas.  Please feel free to check it out ahead of time:  Click on “math games” and then under the heading “early math” click on the games “Count and Order,” “Order Numbers 1-10,” and “Count to 10.”  These games help reinforce some of the concepts we are practicing in math.  They are simple but the students typically enjoy them.  There are many other games and activities on that website that your child would probably enjoy at home.  I will use some of them throughout the year.
Don’t forget that there is no school on Monday due to Columbus Day weekend.  Enjoy the extra day!
Kerry Marsh and Emma Noce

Thank you for practicing at home with your child how to put on his/her jacket. It has started to make the transition to recess go quicker! Keep up that good practice!! :)

Friday, October 2, 2015

Fourth grade buddies!

Today we met with our Fourth Grade buddies for the first time! We are excited to work with new friends this year! Here are a few pictures from our afternoon! 

October 2, 2015

Dear Parents,

It's hard to believe that September has come and gone and October is already here!  We have finished most of our apple projects and will be starting our unit on mammals and other zoo animals soon in preparation for our field trip to the zoo at the end of this month.  More info about this trip will be going home next week.  Once we confirm the date, please let me know if you are interested in chaperoning. Please make sure you fill out a CORI form at the Central Office (back of the High School) in order to accompany us on a field trip. I have an updated CORI list from the office, but if you haven’t been CORIed yet, I cannot have you come on a field trip. Mrs. McDonald is planning another parent confidentiality meeting on Monday October 5th at 8am. After this one, she plans to hold one every first Tuesday of every month at 8am.  The number of chaperones for this trip is limited so I will most likely be drawing names from a basket. We are planning on going to the Franklin Park Zoo Wednesday October 28th.
We had a wonderful day at the apple orchard on Tuesday.  The children enjoyed picking apples and pumpkins, eating a picnic lunch, feeding the goats, and playing in the hay maze.  We want to say a special thank you to Mrs. Ohol and Mrs. Arokiaraj for coming with us!
As always, we have been working very hard in Room 115.  The children completed two class books this week, Apples Up on Top and Room 115 Likes Reading.  The books are now circulating to your homes along with three others.  Make sure to have your child read the book with you before you return them the next day. Please try to return them the next day so someone else can bring them home to share!
The children will be taking their first journals home next week.  They wrote their words in their best guess spelling.  We help them by saying the words with them and accept the letters they hear.  You will be able to see tremendous growth as the year progresses.  They also brought home their Brown Bear, Brown Bear books.  They read them to the class and should be very proud of their work!  These books can stay at home for them to practice reading!
Students have also practiced writing the numbers 0-5, which are not always easy to do for those 5 and 6 year old hands!  We have also begun a new unit in math and have been working more with counting.  We will start sending home homework next week. It will just be practicing the numbers we have learned in school.  Students should complete them at home with pencils and then return them the next day.  Hopefully the extra practice will help students to learn them better!
We started having parent volunteers come into the classroom to help from 9:45-10:20am with our art projects.  I sent a volunteer calendar home to parents who emailed that they were interested in helping.  I will send an email towards the end of the month asking for volunteers for the month of November.  You can respond with the days and how often you are interested in helping.
We had our first day today with our Fourth Grade buddies! Mr. Stead’s reading group came down to our classroom and read with our class. We will be working with them during the year to complete various projects.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Kerry Marsh and Emma Noce

PS...Don’t forget to have your child practice putting on his/her jacket/sweatshirt.  As it gets cooler we will still go outside. Please dress your child for the weather.  It is greatly appreciated! Thanks! :)